Dog treats and back yard poultry cause outbreak!

Can you believe the recent reports from the CDC? They are confirming Salmonella outbreaks to 48 states. How could this not be an epidemic?

This case has left 2 dead and 758 ill. I guess if more people had died we could treat this as an emergency. But I am outraged at the lack of urgency put forth. Something so simple as pig ear treats for dogs! I am sure if you are reading this and you have a dog throw the pig ears out. But I would hope that if you have poultry in your yard you would practice good sanitation habits. The article also suggested not letting live stock in your home. Wait a minute!! Do people do that? I grew up in the sticks of North Carolina but we never let animals in the house. I can understand household pets but poultry? That is some deep wooded sticks right there!

Anyway, I will try not judge but let's be safe people this is effecting our health. Remember when it comes to food safety better to be proactive then reactive.

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